Guestbook Messages

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Last 100 guestbook messages

Maggie HONEY
Sun Dec 8 2024
Hiya loved the concert with Sarah Jane last night, want to come up and Hear u play b4 Xmas in uk can you send link please 
Liz Baird
Fri Sep 27 2024
Antonio, What a wonderful performance you and Giorgio gave us last night at the 606 Club, just entrancing! I loved epecially the Cuban and Brazilian vibes, and the Napolitan songs with your colleague (Ben?). As I said to you, Touch Wood has been one of my fave albums since I stumbled upon it, and I was thrilled to see you in person at last. Only piece missing last night was Al Hambra, which I'll hope to see you perform next time! Liz x
Sun Aug 25 2024
Ciao Antonio (un nome, una garanzia :-) ). 
Ho avuto modo di ascoltare alcuni brani di "Tears of Joy" e li ho trovati splendidi. Non ti conoscevo, suoni in modo eccezionale e sono contento che ci sia un Italiano nella lista dei migliori chitarristi esistenti. Il buon Jimi sarebbe fiero di te! 
Angela and Mike
Sun May 26 2024
We cannot thank you and Georgio enough for such a brilliant set last night at The Twickenham Exchange. We almost had to hold our breath throughout so we didn't miss a moment! Fab-u-lous! We have been fans of yours since we first heard Touchwood. Thank you for such exquisite music and guitar playing. 
Cliff Pickering
Mon May 23 2022
Hi Antonio,
Could not get to concert at Swaledale festival this year.
Darlington is on your schedule for this September, but no venue listed.
Any info on this.
Many Thanks
Dear Cliff, there was a mistake on the concert date calendar I have now corrected. Darlington unfortunately won't happen this year. Sorry
Mary Uren
Sun May 8 2022
I was at Susannah's party on Saturday and just want to say thank you for a joyous and delightful afternoon,  which will keep me smiling for some time!  You have a new fan.
Dear Mary Thank you for your kind words. Best wishes A
Stefano Bianchi
Mon Apr 11 2022
I had the opportunity to meet Antonio as a musician , following some of his concerts: the extraordinary part of his musical talent lies in his ability to live, interpret and convey his musical message to everyone, starting from himself. Moments of suspension, prelude to a becoming of harmony and melody that can overwhelm and transport the listener towards spaces of subtle understanding, which are the characteristic, in my opinion, of his talent and desire to communicate in music, first of all by getting in touch with itself to then involve the listener!
Thanks for the kind words, Stefano. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
David Reynolds
Fri Feb 4 2022
I was just listening to some Jim Croce tunes and the very instant Tomorrows Going To Be A brighter Day started my mind went to you. Weve communicated several times in the past. Youve done a couple of songs i mentioned to you. I would love to see how you would take that song and run with it. Id be willing to bet millions of others would like that too. I hope you and yours are doing well. Thank you for making my life a bit easier to handle through your music. Sincerely David Reynolds
Paul Rus
Sun Jan 2 2022
Hi Antonio,

I've been listening your musing during the passing years... in my opinion your are one of the most talented and unique guitarists of all time.
Why we can not buy all your music on CD format? I think this is the least we can do... I don't get it... vinyl format would be heavenly :)

I wish you bright sounds on the edge

much obliged... Paul
Hi Paul, Thank you so much for appreciating my work. At the moment it is not possible to buy CDs or Vinyl from my website because I had to momentarily close the webshop. Soon you will be able to purchase CDs, Vinyl, Art work as well as Guitar transcriptions. Thank you
Guy Keren
Thu Dec 23 2021

Hello sir,
just wanted to share that our family wakes
up every morning for the last 6 months 
with your album "tears of joy". 

we love it. it's beautiful. 

all the best,

the Keren family. 

Deasr Karen This is such a lovely post :) .. thank you for sharing it with me! I feel so honored! Best wishes to you and your family. Antonio
David Sproxton
Sat Dec 4 2021
Hi Antonio,

I've been following you for a number of years now and went to the recent gig in Devizes with some friends who hadn't seen you play before.  They were totally " blown away "  by you and your band and came away re-energised, inspired and with a spring in their step. In these crazy times we need more people like you, so please keep those precious fingers dancing on those strings for many more years to come. 

Best wishes,
ps. I hope you managed to sort out that broken machine head properly in the end. 

Mel and Chris - York UK
Sat Nov 27 2021
Thank you for a wonderful night of artistry last night; if was fab to hear your stories and ideas behind the music and laugh together. We have seen you in Dean St and have  now moved to York and so glad that you now tour up here.
Look forward to hearing about the book and documentary.
Thank you for the music. 😀
Sir Gio'
Fri Sep 24 2021
Caro Forgione mi piacerebbe incontrarti stasera a Tricesimo, anchio ero un frequentatore del R. Scott di Frith street, con Francesco SANAVIO, il Perigeo, Jeff BECK, and many others, organizzavo promuovevo, e soprattutto curavo Robert FRIPP, x esempio, che magari non si ricorda neanche di me quando la Island lo strozzava, il pignolissimo Bob come ZAVINULL, e il caro Jaco dalle mani lunghissime, e poi a Rio con Pat Mehetny, dalle mani piccolissime, bene sono a Udine, x ora hai qualche contatto con Paul Mc Cartney ancora? X giovedi, noi Bambini, sono Presidente di diversi Gruppi di Volontariato x la difesa dei diritti dei minori, saremo a Milano insieme a fianco di Greta, e la Generazione del venerdi, siamo x "IL FUTURO REMOTO" noi che nel passato abbiamo insieme all'Australiano Daevid ALLEN; colonizzato a Canterbury Gli Inglesi, con il Prof. ACE Scozzese e il Portavoce naturalmente InglesePeter in tre in Elgin Avenue, Wesbourne Park, in tre piegato la Regina, a fare la leg
Steph Dean
Sat Sep 18 2021
Antonio, hope you keep well and would like to know when you are playing in Italy next?.  We have been buying your music and going to your concerts for some years but can't find any mention of future Italain concerts.
Sat Mar 20 2021

Hi we have been enjoying your music for about 5 years and we've been to see you at pizza express in dean street at least twice. My son is getting married in June and is going to enter the ceremony to Stay Forever. I don't suppose you are in England on 22 June and available to play in person in Windsor registry office? 

best wishes
Madeleine Cannon

Dear Madeleine, Thank you so much for the lovely message. If you are still interested and would like to discuss June 22nd further please write to me on My very Best wishes Antonio
Helena Odonnell
Thu Feb 4 2021
Thank you Antonio
a lady at work who knows I am learning the guitar advised me to watch your show. I really loved the interaction between you and the musicians, the gentleman on the base guitar and the percussion player were fantastic. It was a magic carpet ride around the world of music I have brought some albums on iTunes and made a small donation on Ronnie website so I hope this helps.
 Keep well all of you and keep making music.
Best Wishes
Thank you, Helena, glad you enjoyed our concert at Ronnie Scott's. A special thank you for the donation we really appreciate it. Keep well Antonio x
Karl Sperber
Tue Jan 26 2021
I am loving your performance at Ronnie Scott's.  I live in Syracuse, New York, USA, so I couldn't watch you live as I was working.  But I wanted to convey my respect and thanks for your music.  I have been a "fan" for years.  Being a guitarist myself only increases my respect for your work.  You have transcended your instrument with your compositions.

Thank you.

I wanted to make a donation, but it seems the Ronnie Scott donation page is now set to credit the donations to the next scheduled performer.  If possible let me know how I can make a contribution that will credited to you.

I wish you well in the coming years.  May we get back to live music freely available and soon.
Hi Karl Sperber Thank you so much for watching the Lockdown Session Livestream at The Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club. We all had a good time...looking forward to performing with an audience again when allowed. As for Donation, the link is: Thank YOU
Gillian S
Tue Jan 26 2021
Last night at Ronnie Scott's was just amazing. Huge thanks to all three of you for the stupendous music and for a real lift of the spirits. We look forward to seeing you back there on stage for real as soon as circumstances allow!
Hi, Gillian Thank you...we too are looking forward to playing live with an audience again.
David Anwyll
Mon Jan 25 2021
I've missed the live gig feel and that will do nicely as a pick-me-up, thanks a million for a great night Antionio.  Plus a big thanks to Jansen and Matheus, brilliant!
Shirley Shiner
Mon Jan 25 2021
Thanks.for a great evening at Ronnies , and for bringing me together with my Locked down family. Never thought you'd be playing in my living room! Stay safe 
Antonio Forcione
Sat Jan 16 2021
Hi everyone!
The Guestbook is open again, leave a message if you wish.
Love in music
Antonio cool
Sat Jun 9 2018
What a great band and musician! I love to hear this guy song! Cheers from Czech Republic :) 
<a href="">Blog o zdrowiu</a> & <a href="">Odkwaszanie organizmu</a> ;) :D :)
May Everything that Comes your way is Better than you Expected last Longer than you Hoped, and make you happier than you could ever imagine ...Antonio
Mon Jun 4 2018
Love this guy! Listening to his music if I only have a little while. Thanks,
Asti from
Gillian Jamieson
Tue May 22 2018
First saw Antonio at Edinburgh Fringe some years ago and couldn't believe the amazing sound was just one man and his guitar. He is absolutely magical. We have seen him only once since again at Edinburgh and must make arrangements to see him again.
Lesley Scholes
Thu May 17 2018
Hi Antonio, 
We have seen you perform over the years in various venues including the Edinburgh Fringe, and the RNCM in Manchester, but as far as I'm aware you haven't as yet appeared anywhere in Liverpool, so how about coming to pay us a visit here? We have excellent venues, such as the Music Room attached to the Liverpool Philharmonic, and St Georges Hall, a particularly beautiful concert room. So please give a thought to performing here for your many admirers in Merseyside.


Thu Apr 26 2018
Love this guy! Listening to his music if I only have a little while. Thaks!  Pozycjonowanie WrocÅ‚aw
Janice Mabert
Thu Feb 1 2018
Hi Antonio Waiting impatiently for more of your appearances in London! Are you appearing at the Bulls Head in Barnes on Friday, 4 May 2018? If so we shall book asap. Janice Mabert
Hi Janice I will be perfoprming at the Bulls Head on the 2nd June with the amazing singer-songwriter Sarah jane Morris. I hope you can make it! A x
Thu Jan 4 2018

Dear Antonio,

I just received your LP Heartplay (signed :-) ). Now I need only last one LP - Meet me in London. All the others I already have... 

And I also found your amazing wish. Thank you so much! So I also want to wish you and your team all the best in new year!

And many many thanks for your fantastic music!

Best Regards,


Thank you PK!
Mon Nov 6 2017
Do you sell your tabs???? If so, where are they??
David Fantasia
Fri Jul 21 2017
Hi Antonio! 

i'm a fan of yours and if you could listen to a few of my demos and tell me what you think that would be greaaaatly appreciated:



Fri Apr 7 2017
Hello, to Kindred spirits! great concert in Colchester with Jane. I didn't expect you to visit, and it was a great surprise and joy! Bringing back many old memories of your early years in London and lots of new experiences. Me and Lizzie always thought you were fabulous. Good happy memories. Keep well, you and Jane are great together. Hope to see you again, Chrissie Shirley
Thu Oct 20 2016
I've seen you 4 times, phenominal. When are you playing in the north west ie near Manchester or Liverpool? I've got a new girlfriend and I want to impress her
Thank you! If you are not in the main list , got to ask you to Keep an eye on this space and check concert dates.
Sat Oct 1 2016
Ciao Antonio, sono un'attrice e cantante di Torino. Ho studiato da Slep che mi ha parlato di te e mi ha consigliato di venire a sentirti a Londra. Suoni nei prossimi giorni? Sono in cittá. Susanna
Sat Sep 24 2016
Hi Antonio,
Just wanted to say how much my friend and I enjoyed the concert last night at the Union Chapel - so joyful! And such a bonus to see you, Adriano A and Seckou K do your solo sets - a truly fantastic evening in a sublime setting :) I hope you perform together again and record an album! I'm spreading the word! Huge gratitude for the light, the heart and joyful energy you bring and generate and amplify :)
Thank you Jennifer , Seckou Keita, Adriano Adewale and I are planning a recording together and touring end of 2017. watch this space or my FB page. Axx
Wed Jun 29 2016
I bet the shoemaker did 'Touch Wood' at you being successful with the guitar! but we imagine you have had many an 'Acoustic Revenge' over the years. We wish you both a 'Funky' night tonight and am sure you will be in your 'Comfort Zone'.  We are looking forward to seeing you once again at the Stables. 
Mon Jun 13 2016
hey Antonio
Saw you a few years back in the uk playing as a duo with Adriano Adewale. One of the best shows of my life!
Any chance of reviving the partnership back here again.
Or how about some solo shows?
Hoping you can find time to get back to Wavendon Stables with one of those...
Peace & Outrage
Thu May 12 2016
Hi Antonio - back in UK over Christmas/New Year... are you playing anywhere in the UK we might catch a performance?

Gavin & Eileen
Andy K
Wed Mar 16 2016
Looking forward to the rearranged gig date in Stowe. Get well soon.
David Quinney
Mon Dec 7 2015
Antonio - another wonderful night at Pizza Express for the tribute to Pino Daniele. What a brilliant band too; Benito what a voice! More at Pizza Express in Soho and Kings Road please. David.
Fri Nov 6 2015
Fabulous concert recently in Tunbridge Wells! I hope that you will be in England soon and I will hear you again. Thanks you for visiting us. Carol
Mon Nov 2 2015
Hello Antonio
I am a huge fan from your music and i wish so much that you would come one day to Switzerland Zürich! You think its possible? 

No plans for Zurich at the moment but my calendar is filling up for the year 2016-17 never know! Watch this space or find me on FB :)
Heather Roberts
Mon Oct 19 2015
Just to say many thanks to you and Adriano for last night in Newcastle. Not just the superb musicianship but also the warm and meaningful intros to the pieces. Hope you had as good a time as we did. 

Russ Wilson
Thu Sep 17 2015
Hi Antonio, I was at Ronnie Scott's this Tuesday with one of my drumming students. It's the second time I've seen you play (the first was at Pizza Express a few years back) and what an amazing gig!! Incredible band - what a talent and unique sound you have. All the best for your continued success, and keeping the music alive! Cheers. Russ Wilson :-)
Thank you Russ. Best wishes A xx
Tue Aug 25 2015
Hi Antonio,
We have been lucky enough to see you three times so far & are very much looking forward to seeing you play at Ronnie Scott's in London soon :)
Thank you Jackie! A x
Tue Jul 28 2015
Hi Antonio, When will you ever play in Leeds? It's a big place, lots of fans, I don't want always to have to go to Manchester or London to see you play. Hull is just about OK, but Leeds would be better! Loved your..
Hi Rob, can't say it now but I hope soon, it has been too long..
Mon Jul 13 2015
Grazie per essere tornato di nuovo in Italia, FINALMENTE!!!
Ascoltare la tua musica ieri a Ferentino e' stato come sempre EMOZIONANTE!!!
Ogni volta che ti ascolto mi accorgo che non serve sapere da cosa hai tratto ispirazione basta semplicemente lasciarsi accompagnare dalle tue note...che mi porteranno sicuramente laddove volevi che giungessero. Meraviglioso come sempre =)

Grazie Giovanna troppo gentile! Grazie anche per essere stata li con noi. Alla prossima...
Thu Jun 25 2015
Thrilling electric performance tonight at the Watermill Jazz Club,Dorking....thanks to you and your fabulous quartet!
Thank you Julia
Sun May 10 2015
Thank you so much for your music and fantastic play
Thank you Vadim
Thu May 7 2015
Just listed to Comfort Zone on Youtube - I loved it! Also what a wonderful voice Sarah Jane has. I see you are touring with her and wondered if you have any plans to make an album with her ?
Hi John, Glad you enjoyed the song Comfort Zone, this is one of the songs that SarahJ and I have written and will be in the album that we have just finished recording. It will probably be out early next year. Thank you for the interest and appreciation. Antonio
Wed Apr 1 2015
Deep down in my soul I can hear your music whisper emotions that no words could ever tells so round and warm...
I see waves, shape of passion, hope and life...
Where the darkness becomes the real state of glimmers of light wrapped in a soft warm hug where to sleep tight...
And the picture framed with your smile which will never stop shine...

Thank you Antonio for creating so much love. Nxx
Grazie Nicky a xx
Thu Mar 26 2015
I love your guitar playing, listen to it all the time. I live in Melbourne. Australia. My parents are from Montecilfone. I lived there for a year when I was a child. I loved the town, but its hard to believe that something so good came from there. Never stop playing and all the best for the future. Renato
Grazie Renato, best wishes to you and your family. Antonio
Sat Mar 14 2015
I was so lucky to have met you, see you perform live and furthermore to jam with you on stage. Not many people get this chance, and I thank you for that. Wishing you nothing but the very best in your life and your career. Thank You for the music.
Thanks Labi, best wishes to you too! a xx
Sat Mar 14 2015
grande artista, grande uomo!
Grazie Marisaki!
Fri Mar 13 2015
Listening to you playing in Cordoba and at the Alhambra last year really was the best. I have a dream to hear you play solo in the Court of the Lions one year, I think it might happen. Thank you for being such a bright star.
Hi Pam! It was so nice to see you after so long! Playing my composition Inspired by the Alhambra inside the Alhambra was a DREAM! Glad you were with us. a x
Fri Mar 13 2015
we last saw you at Pizza Express London a few years ago. Fabulous. Have you any plans to play in Dorset, England?
Dear Hilary, You never know ...Keep an eye on the ( concerts) Thank you for the interest and support. a x
Fri Mar 13 2015
hi Antonio, I was wondering if you had any plans to record a solo album🙏 Warm regards Colin (lifelong fan)
I have been thinking for quite a while ...nearly ready :) Watch this space. Thank you a x
Joy Renzi
Fri Mar 13 2015
Antonio! What a lovely idea this guestbook is! 
Once again, you lead the way with creative inspiration and innovation. 
Grazie, Maestro.
See you soon. Xxxxx
Grazie a te cara Joy a x
Wed Mar 11 2015
Fabulous evening at Stowe, your music was heart warming your guitar playing totally out of this world. The best concert I've been to for ages a real music fiesta. Thank you so much.
Thank you Phili, that was FUN! ... It looks like i may be back with my band next year..Fingers crossed :) A x
Andy Gregg
Wed Feb 25 2015
You have a gig listed for 20th June as Astor Theatre, London and one for the 27th as Astor Theatre,  Kent.  Are these both taking place in Deal (Kent) or is one actually in London? I would love to see the show with Sarah Jane Morris but can't make it as far as Kent!
Hi Andy, The Gig has been moved to June 27th! Thank you A x
David Q
Sat Jan 10 2015
We saw you many years ago with Neil Stacey, and more recently at Pizza Express. Amazing. What a great night. Please come back to Pizza Express and more (intimate size) London gigs - I will be in the front row. All the best. David
Thanks David, I will be back at the P.Express on Nov 26-27-28 and Dec8 & 9 2015 Hope to see you soon!
Thu Dec 25 2014
When are you coming to the Netherlands or Belgium? Great musicians should show their talent to all nationalities. 
Would love to, will try and persuade my booking agent :) Ant
Thu Dec 11 2014
Hey guys, just wanted to thank you so much for the great show at the Pizza express last weekend. Fantastic music!

Not been to one of your gigs before but I am now big fan, and I hope to check out another of your gigs very soon!!
Best wishes
(Cambridge, UK)

Thank you Simon
Eve & Michael Osborn
Sat Dec 6 2014
Fabulous and emotional evening with you and Adriano Adewale at Pizza Express last night - and thanks for 'Grapevine'!   Looking forward to seeing you next time.
Sun Sep 14 2014
Hi there. Have thought about you lots since seeing you at the Edinburgh festival as I so enjoyed your performance. Brilliant. The whole show was so entertaining , I loved your stories between each track and you r since of humour adds to the fun. Your guitar playing is immense. I shall be looking out for any gigs in London. Sara x
Thank you Sara, I hope to see you again soon
Tue Aug 26 2014
E' stato emozionante ascoltarti questa sera insieme a Sarah Jane a Termoli. Grazie.
Fri Aug 22 2014
We have been fans and followers of you for many years, seeing you numerous times; most recently your last performance in Edinburgh. Great show as ever - the consummate professional entertainer. We also love your dry humour and warmth that you show every time you perform. Have a suggestion: how about bringing a part of "Touch Wood" more up to date by changing your musical impression of a typewriter? After all younger audience members might not know what a typewriter sounds like. Suggest you first turn your guitar to resemble opening a laptop then emulate the tune of Windows starting up. Keep wowing the fans.
Wed Aug 13 2014
Salve Antonio, 
incredible, awesome performance!! Thanks, look forward to seeing you again in Lucca area or London!!!
Che vediamo, Ciao Clare

Mon Aug 11 2014
Five stars cavaliere!
Sun Aug 10 2014
Thank you everyone for your kind messages, your love appreciation and support it keeps me all going!  Antonio Forcione
Sat Aug 9 2014
Just you in concert in Edinburgh. Wow!!! So pleased we came - we'll be back again. U make the guitar sing. Xxx
Kevin Poole
Sun Aug 3 2014
Hi Antonio,

In about 1983 my wife and I stopped by a pair of buskers in Covent Garden.  We thought they were great, so we bought a cassette of their music from them.  We enjoyed it a few times, then put it with the rest of our music collection and haven't listened to it for years.

This year, we decided we finally should get to the Edinburgh Festival, and on looking through the programme I saw a name I thought I recognised - yours.

So we are coming to see you play on Sunday night, 10 August - for the first time in 31 years, by my reckoning.  That must make us pretty much your oldest fans!

And the cassette?  It is signed by you and Eduardo "with love", and has the tracks "For Django", "Black Orpheus", "Tico Tico", "Chanela", "Spanish Heart", "Concierto Aranjuez" and "Spain", as
Fri Jul 25 2014

Hi, yesterday I was in Stresa for the Midsummer Festival.

Did You ever play guitar with Stefano Bollani? I think it would be fantastic!



Mon Jul 7 2014
Hi Antonio. Fantastic gig at Love Supreme yesterday. You were our favourite performance of the whole festival. Cheers!
Dave Olsen
Fri Jun 20 2014
You're a brilliant musician Antonio! Have just been listening to Touch Wood. Amazing album. Especially loved For Vic. Please do a tour to North America and come to Toronto.
Wed Jun 18 2014
Beautiful sound with Sarah Jane Morris Is there an album to come?
Thu Jun 12 2014
Antonio, many thanks for visiting Milton Keynes, and for such a fantastic evening at Stables.
See you soon ...

Grazie mille
Terry Lockyer
Thu Jun 12 2014
We went to your Stables show with some friends who are keen guitar fans and we hugely enjoyed the show. As the Sec of Luton Music it's classical chamber music I mostly listen to but I like many genres of music and it's so refreshing to hear such exciting and original music these days. Pity more folk were there to discover such music for themselves, Best wishes and many thanks, Terry & Carole Lockyer
Chris Aplin
Thu Jun 12 2014
Dear Antonio, Thank you for another fantastic and uplifting concert last night at the Stables. Made the journey from Swindon so worth while !
Martin & Linda Rose
Thu Jun 12 2014
Dear Antonio,

Have been buying your albums for years, CD and LP . And have never seen you play live until last night at the Stables You and the band just left us blown away. One of the great musical evenings of our lifetime. We have taken today off to get over it !
             Morrning coffee in the sunshine never tasted so good.
             Martin and Linda
sandra whitehouse
Thu Jun 12 2014
fantastic concert last night at TheStables. Didn't know what I was in for and it blew me away. Didn't quite convey that when you signed my 2 CDs but was thinking it. Such fresh, original, life enhancing music, so uplifting. Just Great!
Like I said, see you at another gig soon!
Tue Jun 10 2014
Just came across your tribute to Mandela on Youtube ~ joyous music, lifted my spirits, thank you  : )
Fri May 23 2014
Thanks so much for the magic and soul at 606 club last night

Been looking for a download of Heard it on the Grapevine ... do you still have one, please?

Keep the faith in live music

Wed May 21 2014
Would love to hear you live. Just missed you on a trip to London last year. When do you come to Florence Italy?  
Wed Apr 30 2014
Beautiful man, beautiful music :)
Freddie King
Wed Apr 30 2014
Hi Antonio you had a meal in Hendersons veg  restaurant in Edinburgh . last festival and I was singing with a jszz gutarist that night I was happy to see you as I am a big fan of your playing and music and have seen you many times in the Edinburgh Festival 
Jan and Graham
Tue Apr 29 2014
Truly amazing concert at redhill on Sunday.we are both passionate about Africa so found your music mesmerising and melodic.  Fantastic musicians. We loved you and cannot wait to see your next concert.  Thank you 
Joanna Turton
Mon Apr 28 2014

Dear Antonio,

I heard you and Adriano play last night in Redhill and I am still living off the feeling today.  It was a truly mesmerising sound, and an awe-inspiring performance. 


Thank you so much for bringing such a wonderful experience to Redhill - I can't wait to come and hear you again.

Giulia Helden
Mon Apr 28 2014

We saw you last night at Redhill, unfortunately we couldn't stay to talk afterwards.

I'd just like to say it was mesmerising, all four of us decided it was the best concert we have been to for a long time.

I've never been to Africa but I could see the animals waking up and strutting around during African Dawn. All the music was so emotive and will stay with me for a long time.

Thank you for such a wonderful experience, we will definitely be on the look out for more shows.

Eva Olsson
Wed Apr 23 2014
Ciao Maestro. I would like to have your autograph tattoed on my body xx E
Girolamo Lanza
Tue Apr 15 2014
Hello Antonio Forcione Can i Please Request Your Autograph Thank You Girolamo Lanza 42 Brandywine Dr Mastic New York 11950 USA Thank You
Elisabetta Margiotta
Wed Mar 12 2014

Come promesso, scrivo!

Il concerto al Q di Padova assieme a Sarah Jane Morris davvero una rivelazione!

Non sono una musicista esperta, ma apprezzo la musica, soprattutto quella che commuove e "smuove" sentimenti e stati d'animo che spesso rimangono sopiti a lungo nella frenesia delle azioni quotidiane!

Grazie Antonio per la preziosissima serata!

Rinnovo a te e Sarah (se mai doveste avere delle date libere) l'invito a venire per un concerto nel Salento. Nei mesi di luglio e agosto avreste il pienone assicurato qualsiasi sia la vostra proposta!

Spero proprio di avere ancora l'opportunità di ascoltarvi dal vivo.

See you soon Elisabetta ;)

Filipe Machado
Wed Mar 12 2014
Hi Antonio Forcione,

Come to Portugal's capital (Lisbon) please, we would love to see you live!

Filipe Machado
Fri Feb 7 2014
Caro Antonio,

Ti ho conosciuto alla radio in Inghilterra ed ho avuto la fortuna di venire ad un tuo concerto a Roma….ora lavoro in Mali…spesso a a contatto con artisti...è una terra di musica, cantastorie, danza...qui invece della chitarra abbiamo la kora (21 corde) e perdendomi negli arpeggi dei miei amici musicisti, penso ad uno splendido concerto a Roma in cui non riuscivo a credere alla magia della tua musica.
Se un giorno ti andasse di fare un salto anche're muchly welcome :)

Grazie del messaggio, l'Africa e' al centro della mia mappa, l'ultimo progetto infatti si chiama "Sketches of Africa" lavoro ( anche se non troppo spesso con AKA Trio. Mi piacerebbe tantissimo visitare Mali e assorbire le bellezze di quella cultura. Buon tutto !
Fri Feb 7 2014
Hi Antonio, We met in early-2006 in Wellington, New Zealand. We spent time together at the Real Music Company which, you will remember, is the local Naim dealer. I have such fond memories of your visit and your wonderful performances. I also remember meeting Jenny Adejayan. What a lovely person and superb cellist she is! (Please say hi to her from me.) May 2014 be another great year for you! Rob P.S. Hope you can visit Wellington again soon.
Roger & Jan
Tue Jan 28 2014
Antonio, when are you coming to the East Midlands - preferably Nottingham?


Roger & Jan
Fri Jan 3 2014

Grazie Antonio, I have been following you and your music since you one my wife and I over in a lovely small venue in London. I still listen to your CD and watch you progress on Utube and will certainly come to concert again.

The world is still full of amazing talent and showmanship "e tu sei una gran maestro". 

john & jacky aldred
Wed Dec 11 2013

Took friends to see concert at pizza express in Soho last Saturday. fantastic show and getting to meet the band members and take photos made the whole experience even better!  thanks Antonio and please come and play Nottingham soon.  Love John and Jacky x

Annie McDowall
Mon Dec 2 2013
Hello Antonio,
Just wanted to say a huge thank you to you and all the musicians who performed with you last night at the Purcell Room.  It was a magical gig!  I took three friends for birthday and Christmas presents, and we all loved every moment. The chemistry between you and the others was amazing and we got high on the joy that you created on stage.

I look forward to seeing you perform again before too long.  Thank you again.
warm wishes

Antonio Forcione
Mon Nov 25 2013

Dear music lovers,
Just to remind you of the concert on 1 December 2013 at the LONDON Purcell Room with the Antonio Forcione Quartet and the wonderful London Goldsmith [Big] String Orchestra directed by Julian Ferraretto. Special guest the charismatic ESKA, renowned gospel singer . I would be delighted to see you there!
To book your tickets:

Mon Nov 4 2013

Hi Antonio,

I'm a big fan.  I came to the concert you held with Sarah Jane Morris at Ropetackle, Shoreham on 1 November and brought a friend of mine who did not know your music.  I expected to be bathed in liquid sunshine as I always am when I listen to you play, sadly Sarah Jane dominated the performance and the result was extremely depressing and made me very angry. Being bombarded by political statements is not my idea of a pleasant evening out and I would have left at the interval had I realised the second half would be as depressing as the first. 


Hi Angela, Thank you for your appreciation towards my work. I am sorry if the music evening at the Ropetackle did not quite suit your taste. It was clear from the venue program that it wasn't the usual Antonio Forcione gig that evening, but a collaboration with singer songwriter Sarah Jane Morris who's w

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